Advisor FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

The Foundation offers a more highly personalized giving and grantmaking experience to its fund holders. With nearly 100 years in the community, the Foundation has a long reputation of working with individuals and families to bring their mission to life and ensure their wishes are followed, even after they are gone.

Donors can create a Foundation fund at no cost and without the burden of administrative details. Unlike a private foundation, their fund is not subject to excise taxes or a minimum annual distribution. With a Foundation fund, donors make as many grants as they want each year from their fund — or none at all. The Foundation performs the due diligence and provides all administrative services including any IRS filings. In addition, our Community Impact staff members are available to provide in-depth and helpful information on agencies that address their areas of interest.

By having your client’s charitable goals and wishes spelled out in a gift agreement, the Foundation is ready to immediately begin fulfilling their vision when the fund is established. Because we take our role as stewards of our donors’ charitable wishes very seriously, we consider the agreement as our contract with your client and we are committed to following their intent forever.  

There is no cost to start a fund. A competitive annual administrative fee is assessed on all funds and varies by fund type. 

The Foundation uses Mason Investment Advisory Services to collectively manage our investment pool. Mason worked with the OACF Investment Committee to develop an Investment Policy Statement (IPS) to guide the investment of Foundation assets.  Mason selects and oversees money managers, who are specialized in their markets, according to the criteria of the IPS.

 For those donors that wish to maintain the relationship with their own financial advisors, we currently administer a local advisor program.  This program follows certain criteria of the IPS, under the oversight of Mason. If you would like to make a gift that might qualify for the local advisor program, please contact the Foundation for further details.

Grants can be made to qualified charities anywhere in the United States or around the world.

Easy to understand sample language is available online to help your clients start thinking about their charitable giving. If you would like more information about how the Foundation can help, contact Karlene Grabner or Kate Bahr Fuller. 

A member of our staff would be happy to meet with you. Please call the Community Foundation at (920) 426-3993 to schedule a time that works best for you and your client. 

Community Philanthropy

Community foundations make up one of the fastest growing sectors of philanthropy in the United States today. Community Foundations build and strengthen communities by making it possible for a wide range of donors to participate in creating permanent endowment funds to meet present and future needs. Community foundations have become catalysts for improvement by promoting philanthropy that is visionary, diverse and inclusive.

Community foundations are a sustainable aspect of philanthropy – providing leadership and problem solving in the present and preparing for the future with a permanent endowment.


Growing Endowments

  • An endowment is a philanthropic tool that is forward-looking and sustainable. It is sustainable because it renews itself through smart investing and preservation of the principal.
  • Endowment allows for immediate gifts because people have given to it in the past. There are funds available at any time to help with a variety of causes.
  • An endowment speaks to the future of a community and the desire of people in the present to make sure that generations are ensured the same or better quality of life.

An endowment can be compared to a savings account or a retirement savings plan. People make donations to an endowment and the funds are invested with growth as a goal. From the income, grants are made and the principle of the gift always remains intact.


Focus on Service

At the Oshkosh Area Community Foundation we’re committed to personalized, attentive service.

Our development staff routinely works with individuals, families and professional advisors to design gift plans that fit every situation and donor preference, ensuring that you receive the most benefit from your charitable contributions. Our program staff conducts regular research, analyses and site visits to ensure that philanthropic dollars are maximized and well-used. 

The Foundation is here to encourage, inspire and steward the investment into our communities’ future. To learn more about how we can be a resource to you and your clients, contact: 


Director of Donor Services

[email protected]

(920) 426-3993

KAte Bahr Fuller 

Development and Donor Services Manager

[email protected]

(920) 426-3993