Meet Jodie Larsen, Oshkosh Area Community Foundation Board President

Jodie Larsen, Oshkosh Area Community Foundation Board President

Making a difference by strengthening our communities is the mission of the Oshkosh Area Community Foundation and the reason I chose to get involved as a Board Member and currently President of the Board.

My journey with the Oshkosh Area Community Foundation began when I started working in Oshkosh. I saw the energy of a community providing opportunities for people of diverse backgrounds along with beautiful landscape for recreation and exploring. I also saw the opportunities that existed to ensure these communities continued to thrive and remain a place where individuals and families want to call home. We all know too well that there are so many great opportunities in our community, yet there are individuals and families facing hardships and struggling every day to meet their basic needs. We also have incredible nonprofits to assist with those needs and provide hope. The work is great and none of us can do it alone; it takes an army of people, organizations, and donors to find innovative solutions, serve those in need, and advance the work forward.

So how does this work get done?

Well, over the years the perseverance of the staff at the Oshkosh Area Community Foundation has been key to connecting donors to projects they are passionate about and assisting nonprofits with resources to do their great work. The staff is diligent on the work that needs to be done and never loses site of the end goal that aligns to the mission of the Foundation and the donors. The work is like a puzzle with intriguing pieces that are carefully put together to create a masterpiece where lives are transformed,

The Foundation’s annual report highlights some of the incredible projects where collaboration and donor support have made a difference. Donors are connected to causes they care about to transform their community, one gift at a time. If you haven’t done so, take time to read that collective report of the work the Oshkosh Area Community Foundation is a part of.

I am proud and honored to be a part of this incredible organization that cares about individuals, families, and communities. I encourage you to join me in supporting the work of the Oshkosh Area Community Foundation by giving of your time, talent, and resource to make our communities a place where others want to live and work.

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